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End of Week Update (July 6-10, 2020)

With the heat rising as well as our Covid numbers in Forsyth, it's important to continue to stay safe, stay hydrated, and stay well! It was a great week- and let's just keep getting better!

Together we celebrated:

  • Karen Britton's involvement with CWD. She also thanked CWD and commended the measures we've implemented for everyone to feel safe.

  • This past week we saw 14 new people. Thank you to Pam for keeping great records!

  • Many in the hotel have been given their housing assignments!

Here are other recaps from our end of week meeting:

  • Volunteers should continue to listen to our guests more than they add voice. This helps us to be better advocates and empower our community member's voices.

  • Lea noticed that many people are waiting till 11:00 or later to come inside to check mail. We will be more intentional about moving people along who are just "hanging out."

  • Our numbers seemed low this week, but housing was the the consistent theme for all guests.

  • Perhaps we've invited this focus because we've made more housing (i.e. housing applications) available to our community.

  • Now that many in the hotel have housing assignments, John, Lea, and Emily have developed a plan to help with the housing transition. John and Lea will begin to meet in small groups to assist and answer questions with those guests.

  • As we transition into a new normal, we plan to operate a similar transitional program at CFC and incorporate sessions for personal development.

  • As community members transition into housing, encouraged them to make appointments to build up on their transition plans.

  • Dru will begin recycle pick up on Thursday and provided information he picked up about recycling rules.

Areas to note:

  • The War Room is running low on underwear, socks, and other supplies. We will not request more donations for these items until showers are back as part of our CFC rhythm. Most of those items were donated and collected in tandem with the shower ministry of The Dwelling Church.

  • We will soon transition the War Room to another space so the current room can become a multi-purpose space for various programs.

  • Following the meetings on Thursdays, we will complete our weekly Deep Clean so we're ready for the following week. All chairs should be off the floor for mopping. If you have questions, talk to John Gladman.

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Adrienne Polychron
Adrienne Polychron

We have plenty of socks. There are two very large boxes of socks in the back storage (overflow) room. One box contains men's socks, and the other those for women. They each have my name of them.

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